New research published by the consumer watchdog Which? shows sending a 20kg Suitcase to Malaga with now costs less than checking a bag with Ryanair.
No excess baggage charges, no second or third bag charges, simply like for like, it now costs less to use
Hold luggage slows aircraft turnaround and costs the airlines more in landing taxes, fuel & handling. The airlines no longer want your baggage and charges will keep increasing until either they no longer have it, or until it is priced at a level which makes it significantly more profitable.
Over the last 3 years airline revenue from baggage fees has grown from being recorded in millions to billions, meanwhile the number of passengers checking luggage has plummeted.
The solution is not to pay more for less, or to “learn” to travel with less.
If you close your eyes and sit back for a moment you may even remember a time when air travel was exciting, fun and dare we say even relaxing.
Demand for low cost air travel is growing, yet airports are oversubscribed and fuel costs are rising, but this doesn’t need to equal a race to the bottom with regard to the experience.
It’s time for a fundamental change, it’s time for air travel to get back on track.
We welcome a body such as Which? exploring our new and emerging industry, but we’re only at the beginning, at Sendmybag we don’t plan to tinker at the edges of the travel industry we plan to revolutionise it.
Keep watching.